1/5/00- This was a match against clan PK. I found them while on a European server and it turns out they are from Holland. They were LPB's when i found them but to even out the ping Ihad them play at [NP] server. Even with that, they still out pinged me by about 150, no biggie.We agreed to do two matches, one match on dm3 and one match on a level of there choice, but they didn't keep there part of the deal. I don't know what it was, maybe just pure ownage, but they decided to quit the match with 7 minutes remaining. I even heard them complaining about ping, and one of them called Striker a bot, hehehe. Oh well, fuck it, "another day another dollar" final score was 66-(-1). Striker recorded a demo of the match so see the crushing defeat against PK, Good game clan [NP]!!